Thursday, June 5, 2008

lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

ok. well not quite. more like fox and ducks and moths. this has been quite the year for wildlife in our neighborhood (at my parents house). yesterday a giant moth took up residence on the side porch and did not budge all day. wasn't bothered by people coming close, the lawn mower of the neighbor cutting our grass or the leaf blower when he was cleaning up the trimmings. besides that, early spring we had a fox living in our backyard and our next door neighbor had a duck lay her eggs in her front garden.

i googled this guy, and found out it is a polyphemus moth. while i am not really into bugs, i found this fascinating because it was so big. the quarter photos makes me believe he is about 5 inches across and apparently they can grow up to 6 inches across.

this little guy hung out for about a month in our backyard. he's sleeping there in the sun. the only time you could get a photo of him was when was sleeping. otherwise he would run and hide under the pool deck!

unforuntately no photos of the ducks. though they were way cuter than the moth. she was pretty protective of her eggs and i didn't want to scare her.

any interesting wildlife in your yard this spring?


Michelle and the City said...

holy crap that moth is HUGE! i can't believe you got so close to it! ew. i am grossed out by bugs.


amanda said...

That moth is
Ickkk. I would
have killed that
sucker so quickly
he wouldn't have
known what hit him!