Friday, January 11, 2008

evil temptresses

have you seen that commercial for caramel Quaker rice cakes? the one where the girl is driving along and every coffee shop, donut store and fast food place she sees she can't help but look? and then she sees the giant sign, that just says EAT CAKE. i've decided - that's me. Quaker stole my personality and used it for a commercial.

temptation is everywhere calling my name. i go into the office, almond M&Ms and Godiva chocolates. great. 20 M&Ms and 2 chocolates by the time i leave there. then this is me driving home: tim hortons...oooo cafe mocha/sour cream donut; mcdonalds....french fires, yum; denny' bacon and eggs sounds good; picassos .... cheesy pizza, i can't live without you.

seriously? i think i am being killed by subliminal messaging...

theeeeeen i get home, and my mom and aunt are there, ready to do shower planning, with cups of tea and a big hunk of fudge. (at least there was also a clementine & a slice of white pizza)

how is a girl ever going to fit in her wedding dress i ask you?????


Michelle and the City said...

you left there only eating 20 m&ms?! i'd say you have self control than i do!

Larissa said...

I'm not that into junk food, but McDonald's french fries...OY VAY. Those are like crack to my soul.